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Guide : API

You can easily add API routes through the file and folder structure of pages, or you can use the router to add closures that respond to the matched urls.

For example:

use alkemann\h2l\{Request, Router, response\Json, response\Text};
use app\Task; // Your model class  that maybe uses the Model and Entity traits

// Get task by id, i.e.
Router::add('|^/api/tasks/(?<id>\d+)$|', function(Request $request) {
    $id = $request->param('id'); // from the regex matched url part
    $data_model = Task::get($id);
    return new Json($data_model); // since Task model implements \JsonSerializable
}, Request::GET);

// Any url with `version` in it, i.e.
Router::add('/version', function($r) {
    return new Json(['version' => '1.3']);

// A Text version renders strings or newline-joins arrays
Router::add('/names', function($r) {
    return new Text(['Ole', 'Dole', 'Doffen']);

// When not using the "Page" automagic error handling, the fallback route catches all
Router::fallback(function(Request $r) {
    return new Json(['error' => 'No such route'], 404);

If you wish to structure your controller code a little more, we can create closures from callables so:

use alkemann\h2l\{Router, Request, response\Json };
class Api {
    public static function version(Request $r) { return new Json(['version' => '1.0']); }
Router::add('/version', 'Api::version');

Or a slightly more complex version that doesnt use static methods

namespace app;

use alkemann\h2l\{Request, Response, Router};
use alkemann\h2l\response\Json;
use app\Task;

class Api
    static $routes = [
            // Url match

            // method to call in this class to handle the request

            // HTTP Method(s) to accept for this route
        ['/version', 'get_version', REQUEST::GET]

    public function addRoutes(): void
        foreach (static::$routes as [$url, $func, $method]) {
            // [$this, $func] will be converted to closure with Closure::fromCallable
            Router::add($url, [$this, $func], $method);

    public function get_task(Request $request): Response
        $id = $request->param('id'); // from the regex matched url part
        $data_model = Task::get($id);
        return new Json($data_model); // since Task model implements \JsonSerializable

    public function get_version(Request $request): Response
        return new Json(['version' => '1.3']);