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Not to be confused with the (Page concept)[], templating still uses the Page and Error classes, but is a way of providing content without routing. This is best illustrated with an example:

// Somewhere you keep your application routes
Router::add('/status', function(Request $request): Response {
	$status = 'UP';
	$template = 'status_page';
	$template_path = '/var/html/www/templates'; // ofc better set relative to root
	return new Page(compact('status'), compact('template', 'template_path'));
// /var/html/www/templates/status_page.html.php
<h1>Application state:</h1>
<h2>Status: <?php echo $status; ?> </h2>

The above code will look for the file /var/html/www/templates/status_page.html.php, inject the variable $status into that and render it (the associative array passed as the first argument to page will be extracted into the scope of the template, $this will be the alkemann\h2l\Page instance).

You may (and probably should) set the template_path in the Environment. In any of the example index.phps provided by the skeletons, there is a $ROOT variable to the root of the app you could use, like so: Environment::set(['template_path' => $ROOT . 'templates/']);