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Concept : Route

A Route is a rule or ruleset that helps the application figure out what action to run or page to return.

It can be a strict string match, a regex with named group match or a path that matches a page view in the /content/pages folder.

You can set up an implicit route by simply adding a file in the folder structure under the /content/pages (by default, configurable in Environment by content_path) or you can make it explicit by adding a route rule to the Router.

It is also possible to add aliases when the path to the view template file does not match the desired url. Most obvious example of this is that you probably will need to alias the root ( path to a file with a name like home. This is done like so:

Router::alias('/', 'home.html');

If you want to add an explicit route and return something that is not in a template file, this can be done with the Router:add method. It requires a string to match the url on, a chose of which HTTP method(s) to accept and a callable (like a closure) to call should the Route be chosen. Any callable given to the Route MUST return a Response, and will be sent a Request as the only argument.

Example of explicit Route:

Router::add('version', function(Request $r): Response {
    return new Json(['version' => '1.3']);

There is also dynamic routes, which are like the explicit, except there are parts of the url that can contain url parameters. This will then be made available to the routed callbable. The string match now is not a direct string comparison, but a regex. To match and extract the url parameters the Router uses preg_match, with the url parameters being named groups.

Example of dynamic Route. We see that the url has to start with /api/tasks/ and then followed by digits, at least one. The digits will be extracted and made available to the

// Get task by id, i.e. GET
  function(Request $request): Response
    $id = $request->param('id'); // from the regex matched url part
    $data_model = app\Task::get($id);
    return new Json($data_model); // since Task model implements \JsonSerializable