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final class Environment


const ALL = "ALL";
const LOCAL = "LOCAL";
const DEV = "DEV";
const TEST = "TEST";
const PROD = "PROD";

Public methods

public static function setEnvironment

public static function setEnvironment(string $env): void

Changes current environment to provided name

public static function current

public static function current(): string

Returns the name of the current Environment

public static function addMiddle

 * @param callable $mw A callable closure that matches the middleware interface
 * @param null|string $environment if not specified, configures CURRENT environment only. E::ALL, sets for all envs.
public static function addMiddle(callable $mw, ?string $environment = null): void

Add a middleware to the environment, you can then register them to Dispatcher later based on the env. Middlewares should be closures that matches: function(Request $request, Chain $chain): ?Response

public static function middlewares

 * @return array of callables that match the middleware interface
public static function middlewares(): array

Get all middlewares, mostly to be sent to Dispatch::registerMiddleware

public static function get

 * Get a config value from the current environment, with a default value if not set
 * @param string $config_name
 * @param mixed $default Value to return in named config is not configured
 * @return mixed|null returns `null` if config is not set or no default is specified
public static function get(string $config_name, $default = null)

public static function grab

 * Returns an array of all environment variables for selected env (or all)
 * @param null|string $environment Name of environment to grab, or Environment::ALL
 * @return array all configurations for selected env in deep array
public static function grab(?string $environment = null): array

public static function put

 * Sets ONE config value to current, specified or all environments
 * @param string $config_name
 * @param mixed $value
 * @param null|string $environment if not specified, configures CURRENT environment only. E::ALL, sets for all envs.
public static function put(string $config_name, $value, ?string $environment = null): void

public static function add

 * Array merges `$config` with current value of the specified or current environments existing configs
public static function add(array $configs, ?string $environment = null): void

public static function set

 * Completely replaces the set of configurations that the current or specified environment has.
public static function set(array $configs, ?string $environment = null): void